TERMS OF SERVICE OF CRYPTOCAPTAIN.COM Date: 2020-03-11 cryptocaptain.com is a website, offering information services by Klein Data Research UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (called "the firm" afterwards). The service of the website cryptocaptain.com and the firm is providing analyses, information and data regarding crypto assets via email, its website, an electronic API, and other channels. The service is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranty of any kind. cryptocaptain.com and the firm disclaim to the full extent permitted by law all representations of warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, non-infringement, and merchantability for a particular purpose of its service, provided emails or the website cryptocaptain.com and its data API, and all warranties or representations arising from custom or usage or by operation of law. cryptocaptain.com and the firm do not make any warranty, express or implied, for any purpose of its services and in no event cryptocaptain.com or the firm will be liable for any claims for financial or other losses or damages arising from using its service. Especially, cryptocaptain.com and the firm will not be liable for any financial losses incurred from users', customers' or readers' trading and investing under any circumstances. cryptocaptain.com and the firm will not be liable for consequences of readers relying or acting on information provided by cryptocaptain.com and the firm via its website, email, API, or other channels.  Information contained in emails, the data API, and on the website of cryptocaptain.com is for informational purposes, educational purposes, and research only and must not be considered investment advice, does not constitute an offer or solicitation of an offer or any advice or recommendation to purchase, buy, sell, hold, short sell or trade any security, financial instrument, asset or crypto asset and may not be construed as such. All purchase, sale and any kind of investing and trading (including short selling and margin trading) of securities and cryptocurrencies or crypto assets are the sole discretion and the sole responsibility of the reader, customer or user. The service of cryptocaptain.com and the information it provides does in no way account for users’ personal financial or other kind of situation. The information provided by the services of cryptocaptain.com to users is generated automatically by software and does not display personal opinions of stakeholders of the firm. Information, datasets, and links are provided for informational purposes only and believed to be reliable; however, in no way shall their presentation be construed as a guarantee of their accuracy. Investment strategies or trading systems might be modified in the future. Updates of cryptocaptain's service, API or website may be discontinued or changed - even without notice. The full responsibility regarding content of external websites, to which emails sent by cryptocaptain.com or the cryptocaptain.com website may provide links, is with the owner of such external websites. Provided emails and the website of cryptocaptain.com may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, forwarded, sold, resold, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose. Information transmitted via email or the cryptocaptain website may be viewed, used and printed for personal, non-commercial purposes. Data obtained from the API of the cryptocaptain.com / the firm must not be published, sold, resold, and forwarded to external people or third party organizations. In case parts of these terms of service are unlawful, terms that come closest in an economic sense shall apply and the rest of the terms shall still apply. cryptocaptain.com can change the terms of service at any time. By subscribing to cryptocaptain.com's service, API, emails or by using this service you, i.e., all users, agree to all of its terms. All legal disputes shall take place in Stuttgart, Germany.